"Either you will direct your thought life or your thought life will direct you. Take an active role in curating your thought life as an apprentice of Jesus in search of truth."
-John Mark Comer,
Guest interview on the Mere Christians podcast
I created this blog because I believe that objective truth exists and is worth pursuing. The undisciplined thought life quickly becomes a place of chaos, disorder, and bondage. When you surrender your thought life to the example of Jesus's life, the study of scripture, the keeping of the sacraments, and the leading of the Holy Spirit then your mind will become a place of tov, shalom, and a manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
I was born in the ghettos of Kingston, Jamaica in the 1980s. I immigrated to America in 1989 and was raised in New Jersey. I graduated high school in 2001 and completed undergraduate studies in 2005. From there, I attended medical school under the Army HPSP scholarship program and graduated in 2011. My Internal Medicine residency was completed at a military Tri-service hospital in late 2015. My final duty station was in Virginia as a staff internist at an outpatient Internal Medicine clinic. I completed military service in Dec 2018 and took a job as a SNFist in northeast Pennsylvania. I had a few more gigs after that and then relocated to NC in Jan 2021. I now split my time between working as a part-time hospitalist and writing. NC finally feels like home and we are busy planting roots.
I have been married since 2008 to Nate who has an IT job, lots of ministry serving under his belt, and an abundance of natural instrumental music talent which he constantly downplays. Our kids are Ellie (Harmony) and Ez (Raphael), born in 2017 and 2020, respectively. We are thankful for each other and the privilege of experiencing this crazy life together.
You may notice that when I directly refer to the Sovereign Creator, I either capitalize all letters or omit the "o." I started doing some version of this a few years ago when I learned about the practices Jewish scribes employed to help their readers avoid inappropriately stating the Lord's proper name. YHWH, G-d, and LORD are all based on the idea that His name should be treated with great care and reverence. This is a personal practice that I have adopted to remind myself that He is holy but also as a way of honoring Him in my writing. For others, such practices are regarded as mere superstition. It is certainly not something I expect of others or criticize other Judeo-Christians for not doing. This is just a little FYI for those of you who might be curious.